The risk is that the health emergency, in addition to structural weaknesses, will further fuel inequality. Indeed, so will the digital economy unless it is accompanied by processes of social innovation that will make citizens the protagonists of change. This is the objective of the Civic Challenge launched by the City of Messina and promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and Facebook Italia as part of Programme “Vagone FMD. From 01 to 100” developed for Binario F [see news: Civic Challenge in Messina].
On Thursday, January 27, in order to plan local digital transformation and the recovery of the post-pandemic social and economic system, third sector agencies, governmental institutions and employment agencies participated in a co-design session to address an issue: can digital tools contribute to local sustainable and inclusive promotion?
Plenary session speakers: Alessandra Calafiore, Messina Social Policy Councillor; Mirta Michilli, Director General, Fondazione Mondo Digitale; Matteo Franza, Project Lead, Binario F; Mauro Giannelli, Educational Coordinator, National Third Sector Forum; Chris Richmond Nzi, Founder, Mygrants; Chiara Bacilieri, Head of Data, Lifeed; Lucia Lauro, Project Manager, Cotti in Fragranza.
During the co-design phase, the participants identified the priorities and strategies that contribute to promote personal and professional lives and provide integrated and systemic opportunities for education and insertion into the working world.
The session ended with the presentation of proposals to contrast the digital divide and drive employment, professional requalification and the social inclusion of citizens at risk of exclusion: migrants, young NEETs, women and minors who have suffered violence, elders and the disabled. Starting with local needs, the participants identified the good practices that will allow them to overcome the fragility of the social system.
One of the first needs that emerged was the need to make educational activities for the development of digital skills, both basic and advanced, more accessible by reducing the distance between demand and supply and providing content that is easy to use and understand also to non-experts, who are more at risk on the web. Then, the need to develop a hybrid local alliance with a bottom-up approach emerged as a way of overcoming the difficulties and challenges imposed on us by the pandemic and the digital transformation of the working world.
Worktable participants: Benny Bonaffini (Medihospes ONLUS Social Cooperative); Domenica Farinella (Sociologist, University of Messina); Salvatore Potenzone(President, “Nati per la Vita” Association and member of the Provincial FISAC CGIL Directive, Messina); Lidia Lo Schiavo (Sociologist, University of Messina); Sara Tornesi (Messina Council); Cinzia Fresina (Vice President, CIRS - Comitato Italiano Reinserimento Sociale); Salvatore Rizzo (Cooperativa EcoS Med); Fabio Ruggiano(Professor of Italian Linguistics, University of Messina); Francesco Martines (University of Messina); Giuseppe Arrigo (Entrepreneur, IT Innesta, Start-up Messina); Antonio Melliri (PID Messina, Crescere in digitale); Giusy Costantino (Doctor, Child Neuropsychiatry).
The Civic Challenges are promoted by Fondazione Mondo Digitale and Facebook Italia as part of the “Vagone FMD. From 01 to 100” Programme developed for Binario F. Six challenges in six Italian municipalities to co-develop local digital transformation and the post-pandemic recovery of the social and productive systems. The challenges launched by the public administrations will be faced by public and private agencies, third sector organisations and citizens through co-development sessions to identify priorities, innovative ideas and drive civic participation. Upon completion of six challenges, a summary document will illustrate the proposals advanced by local actors to drive a participated and collective vision for the recovery of the entire country.