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Mobility in Europe

Mobility in Europe

Mobility in Europe

Today, Thursday, October 14, there is a double appointment for EUReKA – A Key Access to EU Rights, the project funded as part of the European Rights, Equality and Citizenship – REC Programme.


The European Institute of Romania invites participants to an on-line meeting (11:30 – 1:30) to discuss and promote the digital tools for exercising the right to free circulation developed by the project. A question-and-answer session will follow presentations by experts.



Project EUReKA and the Digital #key4mobility

What digital tools do we have for mobility in the EU?

Oct. 14, 11:30-1:30


Registration Form


At 3:00 pm, there will be an Italian event promoted by ANCI Lazio.

Both events will present two digital tools providing information fo citizens such as residence, schooling, work, housing, etc.:



Project “EUReKA”

Presentation of the “Key4mobility” Portal and App

Thursday, October 14, 2021, 3:00 pm

Platform: GoToMeeting


Project EUReKA - A Key Access to EU Rights is funded by the European Rights, Equality and Citizenship – REC Programme (GA826666). The project is coordinated by Centro Studi e Ricerche Idos. The EU Mobile Citizens Go Digital handbook, the portal and the Key4mobility app were produced by the partnership, which includes Italian partners (ACLI Italia and Patronato ACLI, Fondazione Mondo Digitale, ANCI Lazio), German partners (acli e.V., the ACLI office in Germany), Romanian partners (Institutul European din Romania, Novapolis, Cartel ALFA), Croatian partners (Zagreb Grad), and French and Portuguese partners (Tandem Plus).


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