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Mobile learning

Mobile learning


Notwithstanding good skills in the use of new technologies, new tools have not yet conquered the classroom, nor have they modified didactics. And many students are not even able to use new technology for research. How can we change this trend? How can we help teachers to grasp the opportunities provided by mobile technology?
Today, June 20, is the second working day for the six European partners of Project M-LEARN - Training Teachers to use mobile (hand held) technologies within mainstream school education will meet for two days in Wassenaar, Holland at the Bloemcampschool.
The meeting will focus on three issues:
   The development of a training programme for teachers from Greece, Italy, Romania, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom who on July 7-11 will participate in the mobile technology teacher training course;
   Strategies for recognizing teacher-training courses within the ECVET System (European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training);
   Results of the MLearn Research Report:

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