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Minister Meloni's Message


Minister Meloni's Message

Minister Meloni's Message


This is the message that Miniser Giorgia Meloni sent to Prof. Tullio De Mauro and participants for the Integrated Reception: school, territory, work round table organized by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale for World Refugee Day.
Dear President De Mauro,
It is with sincere pleasure that I send my greetings to the round table on “Integrated Reception: school, territory, work” organized by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale for World Refugee Day. The issue of refugee and immigrant immigration is topical. For many years, now, it has been a priority of countries in the Mediterranean basin. The many wars still raging in Africa and the Balkans have made Italy and Southern Europe a destination for all those who see escape from their countries as the only hopeful future. The massive migration coincides with the particular economic, political and safety conditions of many neighbouring countries and makes it difficult to understand which circumstances justify a refugee status. The government aims to clearly differentiate between clandestine immigration and refugees. Italy is certainly not an insensitive nation to the pleas of entire populations. We have always guaranteed reception to those arriving on our coasts and borders in need. Evaluation of circumstances always follows reception. In the case of immigration, the pursuit of agreements with the national authorities of the migrants and the will to improve the life quality of these people in their own countries is the best pursuable policy. On the other hand, refugees are heart-broken people who have abandoned their houses, often suddenly, to safeguard their lives. We will never stop any of these children, women, elders and men from protection and reception in Italy, a nation and people who have always made – through culture, history and geography - the meeting with humanity one of its most extraordinary riches. Political asylum entails the full integration in a new country to those who have the right to this status. I appreciate the fact that the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, whose mission is the diffusion of knowledge and social and cultural inclusion through new technology, is so deeply involved in helping weak and disadvantaged individuals. Knowledge is the main factor in the prevention of discomfort and disasters from every point of view. It is a tool for rebuilding the moral, social and material aspects of any human community. I would like to renew my sincerest appreciation for the work carried out daily by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and I send you my cordial wishes for a fruitful meeting.
Giorgia Meloni


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