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A Miniature Citadel

A Miniature Citadel

A Miniature Citadel

We are at the Istituto Comprensivo Bernardino Telesio in Reggio Calabria’s Rione Modena: "a suburban city area that hosts a range of different social classes, prevalently low to middle class. It has over 15,000 residents and is expanding rapidly. Over the past years, the area has changed significantly from very green pastures, farming land and fruit trees to a true miniature citadel. There also are an increasing number of foreign families and Italian of various ethnicities with problematic social situations and students at risk of dropping out from school.”


This information is provided in the PTOF of the school administered by Marisa Maisano. We are trying to understand which tools the school uses to face its local challenges. In this audio interview with Coach Fiammetta Castagnini [@Fiammetta_FMD], support teacher Carmela Fotia, a pedagogist, helps us to understand the complexity of the school. The more fragile students do not have any single special need, but often suffer from a series of issues that make learning and participation in school activities complicated. Therefore, there is no single winning method. This requires the continuous experimentation and integration of various strategies and models.


The transversal approach, which is always present, is based on active didactic activities, reinforced by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale with the digital environments of the Phyrtual Innovatino Gym, one of the action areas of Project OpenSpace.


Ascolta "Nella periferia di Reggio Calabria" su Spreaker.


OpenSpace – Spaces for Active Participation of the Educational Community, selected Con i Bambini as part of the Fund to contrast the educational poverty of minors is a four-year project that aims to make communities more inclusive and responsible, promoting the educational and cultural growth and the empowerment of pre-adolescents and adolescents. The project is being held in suburban areas of BariMilanPalermo and Reggio Calabria.

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