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The Megalodon

The Megalodon

The Megalodon

Who is robbing the future of Bari’s adolescents?


"From the suburbs of San Paolo, I truly understand how important the sea is in their young lives. Not so much as a place where to have fun in the summer, but as a tradition, practical knowledge of fishing. It is something that is still transmitted orally, like how to beat octopus before cooking it. It’s a fun experience for an 11-year-old,” explains Fiammetta Castagnini, a young coach at the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, in Bari for the first video making labs organised by OpenSpace, the project selected by “Con i Bambini” as part of the Fund to contrast the educational poverty of minors (Bando Adolescenza) [see news: Zooming in on Educational Poverty].


Yesterday, Fiammetta spent the day with the students in classes IA and IC at the Istituto comprensivo B. Grimaldi - L. Lombardi in Bari, the school directed by Giuseppina Pastore. She worked with the two classes on developing the first stories on issues, selected by the students, such as future, school, dropouts and relations. The students chose one issue and then developed the idea with a video camera, microphone and editing programme.


Ascolta "Il megalodonte" su Spreaker.


“During the lessons, many students demanded attention,” explains Fiammetta. “In the San Paolo suburb, there are students who are deeply in need of attention. They tell me about Bari, about how they dive into deep waters and are not afraid, or about downtown, their favourite hangout. Sometimes, they turn into adults and give me advice about where to eat fresh fish. And yet, there are exuberant adolescents in this difficult city: working on blogs and hoping to become journalists, and every opportunity to write and comment is welcome. Others spend their afternoons on game consoles and repeatedly ask if they can bring them to school to show me.”

There are children, sea pearls, waiting for the next lesson to finish their story about tuna, giant sharks and special harpoons, who are fascinated by video cameras and microphones.


Ascolta "Mi piace | non mi piace" su Spreaker.


The Phyrtual Innovation Gym under construction at the school in the San Paolo Neighbourhood will also have a Robotics Lab, a Fab Lab and an Activity Space. The facility will be organised in agreement with the schools, beginning with existing resources to improve them based on educational objectives [see news Inspection in Bari].


Today, labs will be held with classes IE and IG, while the first teacher training workshop will be held by Fiammetta Castagnini during the afternoon.

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