What does a “businesswoman” do? How does one learn to solve issues and make crucial decisions? Can women become famous in the technology industry?
The My Future? It’s Up to Me! intergenerational campaign on gender equality launched by the Coding Girls continues. Today’s role modelling protagonist is Cindy Rose, President of Microsoft Western Europe. With degrees from Columbia University and the New York Law School, Cindy Rose currently lives in the UK, is married and has four children. She has also worked for other multinationals (Vodafone, Virgin Media, Walt Disney, WPP...), and in many different sectors, from telephony to advertising.
From 10:00 to 10:20, a short but intense meeting on the Microsoft Teams Platform, also with Silvia Candiani, CEO, Microsoft Italia, and Mirta Michilli, Director General of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.
The questions were provided by three young women representing the thousands of students who participated in the Coding Girls and Ambizione Italia for Youth educational programmes:
- Tania Rosi, 17, Liceo scientifico Fermi, Cosenza
- Veronica Procaccini, 17, Liceo classico Annibale Caro, Fermo
- Antonia Russo, 26, Coding Girls tutor, PhD student in Computer Engineering, Privacy and Security, Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria