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Meet no Neet 2


Meet no Neet 2

Meet no Neet 2


While schools in Italy began last week and today President Giorgio Napolitano will be holding an inaugural ceremony for the new school year, a number of schools are already at work to fight school dropouts and the Neet phenomenon.
In particular, these are the schools participating in the national Meet No Neet 2 Project which the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and Microsoft promote as part of the global YouthSpark Programme to create new work opportunities for 300 million youths by 2015.  The three webinars held on the Life Education Methodology involved 71 teachers from 21 schools in 11 Italian Regions.
The first edition of Project Meet no Neet reached out to 6000 youths in 9 Italian regions, 4500 of whom developed innovative entrepreneurial ideas. The project involved 20 schools and universities in 20 social innovation projects that were selected to access a crowdfunding campaign on
The second edition of this project, Meet no Neet 2, aims to reach out to 10,000 young people aged 16-24 and provide them with a technological, social and entrepreneurial education that will allow them to access the working world more easily and acquire the competences necessary to live and work in the 21st century.

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