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Looking Forward

Looking Forward

Looking Forward

The idea is to identify and promote innovators, working both in the public and private spheres, who – uniting skills, ideas and initiative – have become the drivers of change in their organisations. This is the objective of the “Rompiamo gli schemi” Awards organised by FPA, a company of the Digital360 Group. The award addresses all individuals who have concentrated on reaching objectives and results over procedures and tasks, opting for forward-looking solutions to drive change.


The winners will receive their awards at the Forum Pa 2022 (June 14-17). The event will be held with an innovative hybrid format at the Rome “Centro Congressi Auditorium della Tecnica” and on-line, live on the FPA platform. Candidatures may be submitted through March 18, 2022 by 5:00 pm. The initiative is developed in collaboration with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, Fondazione per la Sostenibilità Digitale and PA Social.


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