Local and transnational initiatives are promoting the main digital tools developed by the consortium of Project EUReKA – A Key Access to EU Rights. The objective is to promote the exercise of the right to free circulation in Europe.
Today’s event, Tuesday, Oct. 26, is promoted by the Tandem Plus Nettwork that is also active in Portugal. The event will be held in Portuguese on Zoom [Meeting ID: 759 7577 3313 | Password: A9dPx3] at 3 pm. For further information: s.silva@anjaf.pt
The Tandem Plus Networks has experience in various European countries fighting social exclusion and poverty. The network was created on November 3, 2008, as a European non-profit in Lille (France) and limited as per the Statute of 1900.
The network currently includes partners from Belgium, Denmark, Germany, France, Italy, Croatia, Morocco, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia and Spain.
Three tools will be presented at tomorrow’s event that provide useful information for citizenship on residence, schooling, work, housing, etc.:
- Geo-referenced web portal: key4mobility.eu/it/select-country/
- Multilingual App: Google Play (Android) and App Store (iOS)
- Mobility Manual: Eu Mobile Citizens Go Digital
These are free tools for organisations, individuals and families that wish to transfer to another EU state.
Project EUReKA - A Key Access to EU Rights is funded by the European Rights, Equality and Citizenship – REC Programme (GA826666). The project is coordinated by Centro Studi e Ricerche Idos. The EU Mobile Citizens Go Digital handbook, the portal and the Key4mobility app were produced by the partnership, which includes Italian partners (ACLI Italia and Patronato ACLI, Fondazione Mondo Digitale, ANCI Lazio), German partners (acli e.V., the ACLI office in Germany), Romanian partners (Institutul European din Romania, Novapolis, Cartel ALFA), Croatian partners (Zagreb Grad), and French and Portuguese partners (Tandem Plus).