The small delegation of 60 Italians has just arrived in Lisbon for the second and final phase of European Project Inclusive Senior Education through Virtual U3A (ISEV) for blended mobility training sessions and to share the Italian educational experience [see news: Heading to Lisbon]. Cristina, Domenico, Guido and Roberto will participate in an educational session for the development of a course on “Roman Monuments” hosted on the on-line platform and participate in guided visits to educational third sector activities.
Today, Wednesday, September 18, the project meeting will begin with all partners. The meeting is organised and hosted by AMBESP and RUTIS.
The three workdays will be dedicated to reviewing educational activities and evaluation and monitoring tools with a focus on blended mobility - real and virtual mobility and mixed learning – as experimented by the over-60s.
Italian Delegation
- Clelia Gentili, Professor, IIS Piaget Diaz
- Marcello Pistilli, On-line Security Expert
- Guido Pergolesi, over-60
- Cristina Teresa D'Andrea, over-60
- Domenico Altarocca, over-60
- Roberto Sulpizi, over-60
- Eleonora Curatola, School Innovation Manager, Fondazione Mondo Digitale