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Lifelong Learning

Lifelong Learning

On September 27-28, the 4th Vocational School of Heraklion will host the second meeting for transnational Project CANVASS+ "Content Audio Video mAnagement SyStem Plus" in Candia, Grecia. The project if financed by the Erasmus+ Programme.


Marek Rembowski, Project Assistant, will participate on behalf of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.


During the course of the meeting, project partners will address the state of the project and research on the best practices for the integration of technology into traditional didactic activities. The best European practices, together with the results of the phenomenological analysis, will be collected in an e-book that will be presented at a public event in Rome (January 2019). The meeting will also serve to better define the development and implementation of future Open Educational Resources (OER).


Tomorrow afternoon, the partners will participate in a workshop on "The Design of New Digital Competences Connected to the Workplace," organised by Erifo and IIS Sarandi.


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