Project "Levis Machine" by five young women in year four at the Rome Liceo Scientifico Primo Levi won the IoT Prototyping Hackathon organized last week by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and Cisco (November 22-23).
The five winners (all aged 16-17) are Claudia Berardi, Ludovica Giuliani, Arianna Lubrano, Nina Taddei and Giulia Ferraioli. The professor coordinating the school-work programme is Cristina Cianfanelli. The students presented a project to safeguard the sea through a machine that can identify plastics and other pollutants and clean the sea floor.
The final phase of the challenge, which involved five teams selected during the first day, was held at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym Fab Lab for the rapid prototyping and at the Cisco Offices in Rome [see news: Objects Factory].
The projects were evaluated by:
- Luca Bazzoli, Partnership Development Manager a Ashoka
- Ilaria La Manna, Designer, Maker and Coach, Fondazione Mondo Digitale
- Luca Lepore, Programme Manager, Cisco Systems
- Elisa Amorelli, Communications and Social Marketing, Fondazione Mondo Digitale
- Mirta Michilli, Director General, Fondazione Mondo Digitale
- Marta Nicoletti, Journalist, DIRE Press Agency
- Alessio Nisi, Journalist, StartUp Italia
The five winners interviewed by Francesca Meini
The winning team received a plaque, a programming kit, an Amazon coupon and a day of training at the Dire and Press Agency.
Interviews at the coding marathon
Photo Gallery
The Hackathon was coordinated by Fiammetta Castagnini, Events and Multimedia Manager at the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.