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Let Me Tell You a Story

Let Me Tell You a Story

Let Me Tell You a Story

Do you know any children from Ukraine? If you do, you can share the audio of this special episode of RadioIncolla dedicated to minors in war with an adult they know. Spread the word …


The idea is that of the young “troubadours” at the Istituto comprensivo B. Telesio, a hub school in Reggio Calabria for Project OpenSpace, who thought they could entertain their peers by telling stories in English. The initiative was set into action by a short WhatsApp message sent by their teacher, Giovanna Vadalà, to Giovanna Cipolla, who coordinates the project. “We had an idea, and we need your help. We have to do it together.”


Rome calling Reggio Calabria. “The excited professor explains the idea: her students would like to read stories and somehow allow their voices and their kind thoughts to reach their Ukrainian peers, currently experiencing something no child should ever have to face. Indeed, no person,” explains Giovanna C. “We immediately thought about RadioIncolla, conceived during a period of emergency to make us all feel closer together, as frequencies that reach anyone and voices that establish a contact. Now, the emergency is different, but the end is the same.”


And here is the first story, read by Eleonora (13), The Frog Prince, a story from the European tradition that speaks about hope and transformation … Happy Listening!


Here is the first tale that boys and girls from Telesio school of Reggio Calabria will read for the children in Ukraine. With the hope that it will give them a small moment of escape from the reality.


Ascolta "RadioIncolla - puntata speciale dedicata alle bambine e ai bambini dell'Ucraina" su Spreaker.





Project  "OpenSPACE – Active Participation Spaces for the Educational Community" allows selected by Con i Bambini as part of the Fund to contrast the educational poverty of minors (Adolescence Call), is a four-year project to make communities inclusive and responsible for promoting the educational and cultural growth, as well as to empower pre-adolescents and adolescents. The project is implemented in suburban areas of Bari, Milan, Palermo and Reggio Calabria.


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