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Lego Serious Play


Lego Serious Play

Lego Serious Play


One of the workshops scheduled at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym is an intensive laboratory dedicated to the Lego Serious Play (LSP) Method. Take note: the workshop will be held on October 8, 7-10 pm.
Lego Serious Play was developed in the 90s at Lego Denmark as a company process to simplify decision-making and negotiation processes for problem solving. Subsequently, it was codified and has become a world-renowned methodology.
The methodology is based on three application standards:
  • Real time identity for you – allows participants to better understand themselves and their colleagues in terms of roles and organizational value;
  • Real time strategy for the team – aims to free the full potential of a work group developing a project and make the group more aware of strategies and the identification of present and future innovation solutions;
  • Real time strategy for the enterprise – aims to develop strategies to tackle complex problems via rapid and continuous changes.
LSP is useful for individuals, formal and informal groups and organisations.  It is an important business tool for business units, management, project coordinators, operative units, etc. It is indispensable for decision-makers and executors alike.

The workshop will be held by Giorgio Beltrami, Professor at the Università di Milano Bicocca. As a trainer and facilitator, Beltrami trains adults in a variety of different contexts, both formal and informal, to use the Lego Serious Play method for which he is a certified trainer.

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