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Learning to Communicate

Learning to Communicate

Learning to Communicate

Lifelong learning for the protagonists of Project Welcome! The Digital Storytelling Module ended last week. This week marks the beginning of the new course on digial journalism that will be held by Annalisa Cassarino.


The new module addresses three closely related learning outcomes:

  • Digital Technique: using digital resources available on smartphones and tablets to produce semi-professional audiovisuals; using mobile devices to publish and circulate content and opinions and collaborate on the Internet, and participating in digital society.
  • Basic Digital Journalism: learning to conduct interviews: preparation, documentation, production, post-production.
  • Interaction with the host company: knowing how to pose questions and obtain answers, understanding different social rules (educational, social, health-related, political, etc.), making new relations with an entrepreneurial perspective – not only from the business point of view, but also in a social manner.


At the end of the module,participants will have learned to:

  • Use basic digital tools to communicate
  • Collaborate using digital documents
  • Find information on the Internet
  • Conduct short interviews using basic digital tools
  • Modify digital content
  • Publish content on the Internet
  • Use a personal agenda and a digital map
  • Understand the local community from various perspectives: social, educational, health-related, etc.


European Project Welcome, financed by the Fund for Asylum, Migration and Integration at the Central Level, involves five European member states: Italy, Belgium, Greece, Germany and Spain. The objective is to develop and test an innovative methodology to promote the inclusion of third country nationals in educational, social and cultural activities, with a particular focus on activities that creatively employ new technology.


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