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Learning as Adults

Learning as Adults

Learning as Adults

How are different generations involved in educational processes? A look at Italy, the Czech Republic and Portugal.


The first phase of European Project Inclusive Senior Education through Virtual U3A (ISEV) ended with the publication of two studies analysing intergenerational learning models and adult education in Italy, the Czech Republic and Portugal. What funding conditions and opportunities are there? To what extent is new communication technology used in lifelong learning? How can we make learning processes more inclusive for elders?


The two comparative studies aim to provide answers to these questions. The studies are available for free:


The objective of the 34-month project, implemented as part of the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education Programme, is to make education available to elders by adapting activities to their needs: learning independently from their residence, health conditions, and social, family or financial conditions.


The “transformative” intergenerational learning model developed by the Fondazione Mondo digitale during the course of Projects Grandparents on the InternetThe Knowledge VolunteersThe Italian MakersNetwork of Knowledge Volunteers, is integrated into Project ISEV with the consolidated experiences of other European partners in the area of adult learning.


Project Website


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