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The Knowledge Multiplier


The Knowledge Multiplier

The Knowledge Multiplier


On October 17, 2012, Professor Tullio De Mauro arrived punctually at 10 am at the Don Gioacchino Rey Primary School in Rome to inaugurate the sixth edition of the Global Junior Challenge.

Amongst applause and excitement, Prof. De Mauro was welcomed by Flora Longhi, headmaster: “This is a special Global Junior Challenge, even if we have participated many times, but this year we are actuall hosting the event. We are all enthusiastic about this opportunity and I would especially like to thank all the children here. You are the main actors of change”.
Children from all around the world: Pakistan, Taiwan, Malawi and dozens of Italian cities.
What is a search engine? Prof. De Mauro asks. “It’s something that can propel humanity forward,” answers a little girl.  The children address a long range of issues with the Professor: equal opportunities, pros and cons of technology, job market and environment.
“These projects that you see, listen to and touch today at the sixth edition of the GJC are all examples of how technology can effectively help everday life if used correctly” explained Prof. De Mauro.
“How do new technologies affect the perception and cognition of students?” asks a teacher. “There are those who say that the Internet will make us stupid, but we have analyzed the situation and are quite sure that the web is a knowledge multiplier. Starting next year, we will have the results of an international survey on how the web is affecting other countries; however, we already have enough data to be moderately optimistic about it.”
The professor concluded his address speaking about digital inclusion in the world. Every country should have public and private agencies that operate – as already happens in many countries – to promote the diffusion of broadband and computers in every school. The biggest risk is that only the rich will continue to have the privilege to access technology.


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