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Kites at IC Del Vergante

IC Del Vergante #voloperilcambiamento

Kites at IC Del Vergante

Kites at IC Del Vergante

School initiatives against gender violence

“The students were happy and enjoyed the initiative. It was an opportunity to do something and feel close to the victims,” explains Lara Lina Ferrari, professor at the Del Vergante Comprehensive Institute, directed by  Daniela Bagarotti . “We reflected and then built the kites with the materials we had, as you had suggested in your tutorial,” continues the professor, who teaches the lower secondary school of Meina, a small municipality in the Province of Novara.

Even the video that we are sharing today was produced for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, held every year on November 25, and is inspired by the Kite Flying Against Femicide initiative.

Beauty, strength, freedom, and solidarity are the four words chosen by the students for their messages. Have fun watching the video!


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