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“It’s Nice to Be Together”

“It’s Nice to Be Together”

“It’s Nice to Be Together”

Last week, local distance training via webinars started for Project Factor J promoted by Janssen Italia. This is the first curriculum developed for Italian schools to educate young men and women to develop emotional intelligence, respect and empathy towards those in serious situations or suffering from pathologies. This is an important social operation to stimulate a cultural change in health mentality, starting from the younger generations. Young men and women will also be involved in debates with experts from associations of patients and relatives.


Cecilia Stajano [@CStajano], School Innovation Coordinator and Community Manager, recorded the impressions of students and teachers after the first on-line seminars.


In the first audio clip: History and Philosophy Professor Barbara Aiello, a specialised support teacher for 10 years, and Miranda, 17,a student in Year 3, Istituto B. Rambaldi - L. Valeriani - Alessandro da Imola.


In the second audio clip: Stefano (18) student representative, Maria (19) student, and Professor Silvia Mattioli from the Istituto superiore Annibale Calini in Brescia [see news: Factor J in Brescia].


Ascolta "Fattore J, gli effetti della quarantena" su Spreaker.



Schools interested in participating in the project should complete the following application  

For further information: Cecilia Stajano, Cell. 320 1731570,


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