“The protagonists of the worlds of culture, science, economic and innovation. Faces and voices from radio and television. Actors, writers, singers and scientists. All together in the greatest streaming event of all times to show the world how Italy is reacting to the Coronavirus Emergency. And to emphasise, once again, how it is essential to follow the indications provided to contain the virus. Staying at home is not a loss of time, but the opportunity to do something extraordinary.”
The L'Italia chiamò initiative is promoted by Arsenale23, I Copernicani, Conversazioni sul Futuro, Ernesto Belisario, Emanuele Bevilaqua, Giampaolo Colletti, Paolo Iabichino, Fondazione Mondo Digitale, nopanic-agency, Parole Ostili, Riccardo Luna, Talent Garden, Telefono Azzurro, StartupItalia, Wwworkers.it and Comin & Partners.
"Together, we will tell the stories of who is keeping schools going through technology, allowing thousands of students to continue studying. We will meet with entrepreneurs and managers who are smart working and reinventing their companies to continue driving the economy. We will connect with craftsmen and Internet workers throughout the country who continue to work in their labs thanks to digital tools. We will see cultural festival, theatrical productions, concerts and exhibitions that have been suspended or cancelled with performances, interviews, songs, poetry … all in streaming from the artists’ houses.”
The appointment is for Friday, March 13, from 6 in the morning to midnight, an 18-hour marathon on litaliachiamo2020.it and all participating sites, to show the world how a great country reacts. The initiative will also collect funds to purchase new intensive care units for hospitals though a fundraising initiative organised in collaboration with the Italian Civil Protection Service.
How to participate? Write to partecipa@litaliachiamo2020.com and share the news on social media with #litaliachiamò#iorestoacasa.