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ISEV Meeting in Rome

ISEV Meeting in Rome

ISEV Meeting in Rome

On February 14-15, the Fondazione Mondo Digitale will host a consortium meeting (see agenda) Inclusive Senior Education through Virtual U3A (ISEV), implemented as part of the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education Programme, with the following partners: University of Ostrava (Czech Republic), Associação de Melhoramentos e Bem Estar Social de Pias (Portugal) and Associação Rede de Universidades da Terceira Idade (Portugal).


During the course of the two days, the project consortium will address activities underway and define the methodology for active participation of beneficiaries in the educational course. The project will develop and implement educational activities, involving the younger generations as tutors holding courses for elders. The course will involve over 300 senior citizens, forty of which in Italy (see news: Learning Without Barriers), with students attending traditional lessons with the help of an on-line platform. There will also be a seven-day training course that will be held in Portugal in September 2019 with selected elders and students from project partner countries.

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