1 min.
A conference will be held in Tunis, Tunisia on Monday, February 9 to disccuss how to improve and safeguard the conditions of Tunisian citizens in Italy and promote legal immigration. A delegation led by Vice-Prefect Carmelita Ammendola of the Ministry of the Interior Department for Civil Liberties and Immigration will be in the Tunisian capital for a debate organized by Project Iprit, conducted by the Centro studi e ricerche Idos in partnership with the Associazione nazionale oltre le frontiere and the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.
The Italian delegation includes Antonio Ricci, Franco Pittau, Giuseppe Bea and two Tunisian experts (Abdelhafidh Oussaifi e Mohsen Hmidi). The information session has been organized for 25 managers and operators from both authorities and associations, who will receive a bi-lingual manual edited for the event.
The event will also provide an opportunity to network with various Tunisian institutions, as well as the local Italian diplomatic seats and representatives of the Italian community. The works will be opened by the Ministry of the Interior and the Embassy and will be concluded by the Office des Tunisiens à l’étranger.