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Internet Against Isolation

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Internet Against Isolation

Internet Against Isolation


It’s still summer in many regions, but some elders in Emilia are already preparing for winter … on the Internet.
The town of Sestola, in the Province of Modena, is at the highest altitude in the region and has the most extreme temperatures. In fact, one of the subjects that will be addressed by the PINN, Pane e Internet per Nonni e Nipoti Project, promoted in collaboration with the Regione Emilia Romagna, is the search for useful information to improve quality of life and relations. This is especially useful for the residents of Sestola, a town that is often practically isolated.
The students attending the Sestola and Fanano Istituto comprensivo will use the intergenerational learning method to teach the secrets of computers and Internet navigation to the local elders.  This is a strategic project for a town in which the percentage of over sixties (more than 36%) is higher than the national average.
The teachers that will coordinate the course - Laura Galli, Clara Flori, Stefano Kruzer, Maria Cristina Faedi, Edda Neve – participated in the first training workshop held last Wednesday by Ana Lain and Cecilia Stajano from the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.
The local administration firmly believes in the challenge of providing digital literacy to its eldest citizens. Cecilia Stajano has interviewed Marisa Burchi, Councillor for the Environment, Culture and Education of the Comune di Sestola.



In the audio clip, Laura Galli presents the primary school that is attended by about 200 children from three districts: Sestola, Fanano and Montecreto. All the classrooms have a web connection and an interactive board. In an area that bases its economy on tourism, schools are particularly careful about local needs. The school has also developed a computer course for tourists: elders on vacation with their grandchildren learn how to download photos of their mountain hikes.



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