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Interior Future


Interior Future

Interior Future
The new area on was developed in crowdsourcing to provide visibility to all the innovative experiences implemented by and with schools.
And now, a new blogger is on-line - Paolo Freschi – who starts with an article entitled “Futuro interiore” (Interior Future). A retired professors, Paolo has come back to teach the future as an innovation coach at the Officina – New Jobs Workshop for the immersive reality lab.
Here is what Paolo Freschi wrote on his Facebook profile after his first experience in a Cave Automatic Virtual Environment:
Today, I have begun teaching again. For four hours, I explained to twenty young men and women a subject that is far too innovative to be taught in schools: virtual reality. (It might make the curricula in thirty years or so!) The brief history of virtual reality, its main elements that are not just programming and three-dimensional modelling, but also the art of telling stories and the ability to work in a group and integrate one’s abilities with those of others.
At the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, teaching means discussing, learning from others, experimenting, testing and growing!
Teamwork is such a joy! Thanks to Domenico Zungri, Veronica Barsotti, and to all my friends at the Fondazione.


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