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Last week, Prof. Emanuele Tarducci, one of the 190 young creative listed in the European Yearbook of Creativity (2009), accompanied his students from the Quasar Design University to the first digital craftsmanship lab in Rome, modeled on MIT’s Center for Bits and Atoms.
The Quasar Design University has been teaching design, as well as visual and multimedia communication, for over 3’ years. It’s accredited with the Regione Lazio and awards professional and specialist certification that are recognized throughout the European Union.
Architect and Interaction Designer Emanuele Tarducci is an expert in the application of electronic technology to design. He has collaborated with ENEA on the development of interactive museum systems and has received awards from various international design competitions. In 2007, Prof. Tarducci founded In4mal – Interaction 4 Multimedia & Architecture | Lab, a design network that brings together multi-disciplinary competences.
The Fab Lab at the Rome Phyrtual Innovation Gym provided the students with the laser cutter necessary to shape Plexiglas boards they need for a project underway at the university.