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The Innovation Challenge

The Innovation Challenge

The Innovation Challenge

The Folly of Volunteers, which will be held in Trento on October 3-6, will address issues ranging from inequality to technological challenges, from new “CSVs” to gifts with its over 300 members from around Italy.


Enrico GiovanniniAlfonso MolinaFrancesco ProfumoSabina SiniscalchiStefano Zamagni will be amongst the protagonists of the 19th National CSVnet Conference , which will be held in Trento on October 3-6. The conference is dedicated to the “Folly of Volunteering. Thinking Different, Donating Oneself, Changing the Future.”


The programme is still being drafted, but the topics that will be addressed by the four plenary sessions have already been defined, as have the issues that will be addressed by the ten work groups that will be held in parallel on the afternoons of October 4-5.


On October 4, Enrico Giovannini, Economist, former Welfare Minister and Spokesperson for Asvis, will address inequality with Sabina Siniscalchi, a historical personality of international cooperation and currently President of Oxfam Italia. The panel will be moderated by Journalist Miriam Giovanzana, founder of Terre di mezzo and Altreconomia.


Alfonso Molina, Scientific Director of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and long-time Professor of Technology Strategy at the University of Edinburgh, will open the preliminary session on October 3 with a report on the Technological Innovation Challenge for Non-profits.


Also, on Friday, October 4, Francesco Profumo, former Education Minister and President of CNR, currently President of ACRI, will debate the “CSV of Tomorrow” with President CSVnet Stefano Tabò (Profumo also heads the National Control Body for Service Centres).


On October 5, Stefano Zamagni will address the provocatory and transformative nature of volunteering following the major debate provoked by the economist on the Avvenire Daily with his article on “The Third Sector Under Attack.” The debate will be followed by a series of testimonials entitled “Volunteers, Nonetheless!”


The conference is shaping up to be one of the richest held to date. There will be about 40 speakers and 300 CSV delegates, many of which are managers of local and national third sector associations. The heart of the internal debate will be mostly faced by the works groups. Their results will contribute to shaping the future strategy and choices of the CSV Association.


Collateral events include, on the evening of October 3, participation in the March in Memory of the Victims of Immigration, organised by CNCA during the 5th “Settimana dell’accoglienza” in Trento.


Here the conference program.


A collage of speakers (from above, moving clockwise): Massimo Giovannini, Francesco Profumo, Alfonso Molina, Stefano Zamagni, Sabina Siniscalchi.


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