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Three fixed and one mobile reception point to meet immigrant citizens locally around l’Aquila and in the Marsica area. A multi-lingual informative brochure and a website are available to help facilitate access to these services. The Prefecture of l’Aquila addresses the needs of new citizens with Project “Mondo Immigrato: nuovi sensori territoriali” (Immigrant World - New Local Sensors). The project is financed by the EIF and implemented by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale with the Leonardo and Nuovi Orrizonti Social Cooperatives and the TAU Onlus Association. On Tuesday, March 27th (10:30 am), project activities will be presented at the Mensa di Celestino. Deputy Prefect Maria Assunta Rosa from the Department of Immigrant Civil Liberties, Ministry of the Interior will be present.
Immigrants coming from 130 different countries live mostly in Aquila and Avezzano in the Abruzzi Region; in 7 municipalities, immigrants account for over 15% of the residents and reach 24% in one. The national average for resident immigrants is 7.5%. Foreign citizens in Abruzzi resemble a patchwork: Romanians (ca. 30%) are the largest community in Aquila and Avezzano, while in minor towns, such as San Pio alle Camere or Poggio Picenze, there is a majority of Macedonian immigrants. In Celano, nearly 35% of the immigrant population comes from Kosovo. There is a net majority of Moroccans in Luco dei Marsi (50%) and Trasacco (66%). As happens at the national level, the working world also presents an “ethnic specialization.” There is, however, a local "invisibility" risk that is highlighted by the 2009 earthquake, along with a predominance of elderly women: from age 35 nearly 80% of women live at home and have rare contacts with the external world.
Interpreting this complexity and providing an answer is the objective of Project Immigrant World – New Local Sensors. The project is promoted by the Prefecture of L’Aquila (Action 5 – Innovative Projects for Integration, Annual Programme 2010, Priority 1). The project will be implemented by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale (lead partner) with cooperatives Leonardo and Nuovi Orizzonti Sociali and the TAU Onlus Volunteer Association. Three reception points have been opened in San Demetrio Ne’ Vestini, a common point to Sirentina, the Aquila area, Avezzano and Secinaro. Beginning in March, the mobile reception point will visit Sulmona, Cansano, Magliano, Celano, Pizzoli, Barete, Cagnano, L’Aquila, Onna, Fossa, Acre. A multi-lingual brochure with a service map and a web site and contact point will provide further help to all interested residents.
The project presentation on Tuesday March 27 (10:30 am) will include addresses by Prefect Giovanna Maria Iurato, Mayor Massimo Cialente and Mirta Michilli, Director General of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale. The associations involved in the project will be presented by: Karin Sorgi (Leonardo Società cooperativa Sociale), Candida D’Abate (Nuovi Orizzonti Sociali), Paolo Giorgi (Fraterna Tau Onlus).
The added value of the territorial network will be underlined by the Headmaster of the Istituto Comprensivo di San Demetrio Ne’ Vestini, Lucia di Giulio Deputy Prefect Maria Assunta Rosa from the Department of Immigrant Civil Liberties, Ministry of the Interior will conclude the presentation.
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