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Imaging School

Imaging School



Alfonso Molina’s address at the international “Immagina. Scuole del 21° secolo: idee e pratiche visionarie” Seminar, promoted by the Association of Italian Teachers (ADI) and Indire in Bologna last April is now on-line.
The introduction on the ADI website:
The rich and stimulating address held by Alfonso Molina, Professor of Technology Strategy, University of Edinburgh and Scientific Director, Fondazione Mondo Digitale is the first in a series of acts that will be published from the 1st session of the International “Immagina” Seminar. Prof Molina analysed the competences required by students in the 21st century in view of the drastic decrease in routine jobs and the marked growth of “creative” jobs in a world that is dominated by uncertainty. Following a series of theoretical and practical points, Molina illustrated the work that the Fondazione Mondo Digitale is carrying out with the creation of the Phyrtual Innovation Gym.



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