Castellaneta Marina, in the Province of Taranto, is hosting Immagina 2021 (Sept. 12-21), the summer event promoted by 50&Più, which includes the Olympics, the final rounds of “Italia In…Canto” ad #socializziamo (let’s socialise), a series of labs dedicated to digital literacy.
In respect of current regulations, a green pass will be required to participate in all activities.
The Ethra Reserve in Castellaneta Marina is hosting over 1400 over-50s from around Italy who eagerly await the sports challenges. Two famous athletes will be testimonials to the event, following the success of the Italian team at the Tokyo Olympics. Eraldo Pizzo, water polo gold medal at the 1960 Olympics, known as the “caiman” and Francesco Moser, Indoor Cycling World Champion in 1976 and Outdoor in 1977, who will also participate in some cycling activities over the nine days of the event.
#Socializziamo – Let’s Socialize to Go Digital
From today through Sunday, September 19, there will also be digital literacy labs organised by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, which will kick off “#socializziamo.” A series of practical and theoretical labs will address current issues to allow the participants to gain a better understanding of technology [see news: #Socializziamo].