After the intensive training sessions held in city schools (IIS Crescenzi – Pacinotti – Sirani, LGS Galvani, LSS Righi, IIS Fermi), 120 students, guided by American super coach Emily Bradford, independent writer and software developer based in Silicon Valley, participated in the hackathon at the University of Bologna on "If there were no borders".
Here are the results of the fourth creative programming hackathon of the Coding Girls Educational Tour.
1st Place
Team "I Turbo 6" - Liceo Scientifico Galileo Galilei
Maja Anna Lucrezia Comar 15, Beatrice Millo 15, Matteo Cogoi 15, Daniel Riccio 15, Tommaso Gianeselli 15, Francesco Torricelli 15.
We decided to compile a programme to show the absence of boundaries between dreams and reality by representing the sad and monotonous life of a girl that thanks to a dream gains confidence and improves her lifestyle.
2nd Place
Team "MonkaS" - Liceo Scientifico G. Oberdan
Luca Parmegiani 16, Vladimiro Zacchigna 16, Gabriele marchiò 16, Giulia Martellani 16, Riccardo Anselmi 15, Tommaso Luchesi 15
Our boundaries are physical and mental. Two choices will allow you to remove one and preserve the other.
3rd Place
Team "Er tavernello" - Liceo Scientifico G.Oberdan
Enrico Candotti, Lorenzo Avanzini, Anna Bussi, Stefania Scherl, Giacomo Celli
Space as a journey through the unknown, one without frontiers, using many variables and messages.
The Coding Girls Programme, promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and the United States Embassy in Italy in collaboration with Microsoft Italy, aims to promote gender equality in science and technology. The sixth edition will be held on November 5-22 and will involve 10,000 young women in 14 Italian cities