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Ideal: Meeting on Skype

Ideal: Meeting on Skype

Ideal: Meeting on Skype

Last December, the six partners of Project IDEAL - Integrating Digital Education in Adult Literacy, financed as part of the Erasmus + Programme (KA2 Strategic Partnership), met in Antwerp, Belgium, to kick off project activities.


Now, the partners will meet in videoconference to debate ongoing activities. Annaleda Mazzucato and Ilaria Graziano will represent Italy at the virtual meeting that will be held today from 1 to 3 pm.


The objective of the two-year project is to train European teachers to use basic ICT tools and methodologies (basic skills) and gap the divide that exists between formal and informal learning. In greater detail, the project addresses adults who risk exclusion (immigrants, unemployed individuals, individuals with special needs and individuals with reading/writing and mathematical issues).


In Italy, the main beneficiaries will be immigrants and refugees with scant ICS skills.

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