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I-RIM Against the Pandemic

I-RIM Against the Pandemic

I-RIM Against the Pandemic

"Dear Director General,

Our country is experiencing a period of emergency it has never encountered before. As the majority of research institutes, I-RIM is also organising its contribution so that robots and intelligent machines may help patients, health workers and all those who continue to provide essential services, as well as all those living in difficult conditions.”


This is the beginning of a letter that was received a few days ago by Mirta Michilli, Director General of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale. It was sent by Antonio Bicchi, President of I-RIM, the National Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Machines that develops new technology to improve quality of life and the well-being of citizens.


In this period of emergency, more than ever, the contribution of innovative solutions for the good of society is fundamental. And that is why the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and I-RIM have started to collaborate, sharing common ideas and projects, to amplify their communication potential.


Providing immediate answers is very difficult, explains Antonio Bicchi. Taking robots and machines where they are needed requires more time than is available, but union is strength, more than ever. Providing immediate solutions is only possible through the cohesion and collaboration of all parties, sharing experiences and ideas.


We are joining this community, this coalition, to provide our activities to all those who require them. The Tech For Care initiative is developed in collaboration with Maker Faire Rome - The European Edition, the meeting place for makers and innovators – and consists of a selection of resourcestechnology, intelligent machines and robots to contrast the pandemic and its effects. A true platform that matches needs and solutions.


Projects are freely accessible to health workers and all those committed to producing essential goods and services. Anyone who is aware of concrete needs may describe the situation, look for available solutions or collaborate on the definition of new ones.


Here is the questionnaire on needs.


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