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Humanoids and Animated Bricks


Humanoids and Animated Bricks

Humanoids and Animated Bricks
International Trophy
Robots Compete for the RomeCup
The 5th Edition Kicks Off Amidst Competitions and Prototypes
by Valentina Conti
Libero, 13 March 2011
From March 14 to 16: competitions, laboratories, meetings and exhibitions at the “International RomeCup Trophy”
Humanoids and Animated Bricks
Robots, not just fun, but Educational and Service-oriented, too.
by Katia Perrini
Il Tempo, 13 March 2011










Dal 14 al 16 marzo al Trofeo internazionale "RomeCup" gare, laboratori, convegno e area dimostrativa

Umanoidi e mattoncini animati

Robot, non solo divertimento. Ecco le novità educative e di servizio

di Katia Perrini

Il Tempo, 13 marzo 2011

Leggi l'articolo (in formato pdf)



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