1 min.
The awareness-raising campaing promoted by Project Digital Bridge begins to bear fruit. This is what the children at Fratelli Cervi have discovered and learned:
“How do the Saharawi survive in the desert?"”
“Thanks to humanitarian aid and solidarity.”
This is what Silvia (class IIE) writes in one of the many essays assigned by the teachers on the cooperation activities implemented by Project Digital Bridge. A Technological Bridge with the Saharawi. Students have already written twelve essays after participating in didactic meetings on nourishment and humanitarian aid for the Saharawi.
Over the course of a year, the project has made the students aware of the humanitarian crisis taking place in the Algerian desert and the hardships experienced in the refugee camps. The activities have been conducted by the school’s teachers along with the contribution of experts and Flavia from the Bambini+Diritti Association.
The works created by the children have been published on the Project website.
• Part 1
• Part 2