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How Can We Become More Sustainable?

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How Can We Become More Sustainable?

How Can We Become More Sustainable?

A question posed to youth with Italgas to build the future before the time is up.

Future generations are about to inherit a very ruined world. Our children and grandchildren should not have to pay the cost of our generation’s irresponsibility. […] In fact, as is increasingly evident, youth demand change. They shout “The future is ours” and they are right! [Pope Francis on the energy transition and care of our common house, June 14, 2019]

In the countries that should pursue the greatest changes in their consumption habits, youth have a new ecological sensitivity and a generous spirit. And some of them are fighting admirably to defend the environment, but they have grown up in a context of extreme consumerism and wellbeing that makes it hard for them to change some of their habits. This is why we are facing an educational challenge […] to create an “ecological citizenship.” [Pope Francis, Laudato Sì Encyclical Letter on the care of our common house]

Together with our technological partners, we want to create a culture of environmental sustainability based on competence and an alliance amongst generations, also to prevent and contain forms of extreme ecology, on the rise around the world.

We want to provide answers to the exasperation of a generation that sees that inability of nations to credibly address the continuous alarms launched by international agencies, and also raise the awareness of both youth and adults on the complexity of the energy transition.

We will involve students in concrete activities to allow them to experience pragmatic idealism hands on with technology and develop efficient solutions to the problems of our day and share these ideas as a common resource. We are looking for youth who wish to improve their ability to participate in the processes producing growth and wellbeing for their country. And we will do it with companies that wish to improve by confronting the ideas of the new generations, in terms of competences, values, passions, and ideals.

People Power is a Talent Tour with Italgas on the issues of digital transformation and environmental sustainability. The objective is to provide local opportunities by attracting talent and pursuing the education of youth, improving both their digital and soft skills. It will begin with a strategic company plan, which amongst various other objectives, aims to drive digital transformation to provide the country with an infrastructure to host and distribute renewable gasses such as biomethane and green hydrogen.

Before beginning the official tour in October, we will give 20 students and STEM graduates the opportunity to test this format with us and become People Power Ambassadors. The first session on June 15 (9:30-16:30) will provide career orientation and interview simulations to best prepare for the appointment in Rome.

Participants in this teaser event will be automatically selected for the official Romen session in October.

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