She Means Business, the global Facebook Programme implemented in Italy in collaboration with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, returns to Sicily for a day dedicated to women in enterprise.
Today, Monday, December 16, the course will be held at the Palermo-Enna Chamber of Commerce. Starting at 9 am, Coach and Digital Promoter Giusi Messina will meet 120 women interested in learning more about social tools and strategies for personal branding.
There are over 50 years of life between the eldest entrepreneur (70) and the youngest student (16). A distance that can easily be bridged through the desire to try something new, every day, and continue to learn. The presence of 35 students aged 16-34 markedly lowers the average age of the participants, compared to other sessions. However, there also are entrepreneurs (about 32%), operating in the arts to transports sectors, amongst the young and motivated women who will meet with Coach Giusi Messina.
Four success cases will be presented of entrepreneurs in Palermo who emerged on the digital panorama thanks to Facebook and Instagram: jewellery designer Simona Randazzo, Simona Sunseri and the Palermo Mamme Community, Marianna Aiello ‘s “Tacco 12” Boutique and Nicoletta Cosentino’s social enterprise project “Cuoche Combattenti.”
She Means Business
Palermo-Enna Chamber of Commerce
Palermo Office
December 16, 2019 – 9:00 am
9.00 | Coffee and Registration
9.30 | Welcome Address
- Alessandro Albanese, President, CCIAA Palermo Enna
- Guido Barcellona, Secretary General, CCIAA Palermo Enna
- Marcella Cannariato, Fondazione Bellisario in Sicily Manager
- Annamaria Ribaudo, Legacoop Sicilia
- Mediterranean University Network
9.45 | Presentation of the “She Means Business” Programme
- Francesca Meini, #SheMeansBusiness Coordinator, Fondazione Mondo Digitale
- Giusi Messina, #SheMeansBusiness Coach
How to create an efficient presence on Facebook. Conquering new clients with Facebook. Holiday marketing guide. The importance of communities, today.
Develop your business with Instagram. Be creative on Instagram thanks to your smartphone.
12.00 | Presentation of the New Digital Plan by CCIAA Palermo Enna -Punto Impresa
12.15 | Success Cases
- Simona Randazzo, Simona Randazzo Jewellery
- Simona Sunseri, Palermo Mothers
- Marianna Aiello, “Tacco 12” Boutique
- Nicoletta Cosentino, Project “Cuoche Combattenti”
1.00 | Conclusions
- Angela Pisciotta, President, Female Enterprise Committee, CCIAA Palermo Enna
Simona unites creativity with competences in design, fashion, craftsmanship and jewellery. As a jewellery designer, she has started her own name-brand, a line of ideas transformed into precious objects by using an innovative language that brings together the past, present and future. “My jewels are made in my image. I can’t create something that doesn’t express equilibrium between shape and taste. I am driven by a profound passion and pay attention to every detail after a meticulous research stage.”
Owner of the “Tacco 12” Boutique and second-generation member of a family of successful entrepreneurs in Palermo, Marianna tells us about the evolution of enterprise through the use of social networks as a winning communications strategy. The new channels allow enterpreneurs to quickly and easily target specific market segments on a global level.
Born in 1983, after graduating, Simona began her adventure as a Welcome Centre Lead Assistant at the Rochester Museum & Science Centre. After giving birth to Carlo and returning to Palermo, she decided to found a community to allow mothers to exchange and share ideas and information on their personal and professional growth. The community currently has 4000 members. Since January 2019, Simona is working at PUSH and continues to manage her community.
“Cuoche Combattenti” is a food production and transformation lab conceived to provide economic independence to women who have suffered violent relationships and provide them with a personal and professional drive. All the products created at “Cuoche Combattenti” use the hashtag #EtichettaAntiviolenza (Against Violence Brand) to raise awareness on violence against women, fight stereotypes and relations that “authorise” abuse and unveil psychological violence to reinforce self-esteem and personal liberty.