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Vagone FMD: the agro-food industry and the Metaverse

Hi-tech Business Solutions

Hi-tech Business Solutions

Vagone FMD: il settore agroindustriale nel metaverso

Vagone FMD. From 01 to 100 in the Metaverse meetings, organised by the di Fondazione Mondo Digitale, are starting again at Binario F, the Meta Hub in Rome. From June, there will be a series of meetings reserved for policy makers, public decision makers, administrators, experts and entrepreneurs will explore the technology of the metaverse and its implications for the economy, culture and education, via immersive experiences and a final brainstorming session.

The protagonists of yesterday’s session (June 8) were the Association of Young Agricultural Entrepreneurs - Cia-Agricoltori Italiani and National President Enrico Calentini, as well as a numerous delegation of associates. “We are interested in new spaces, even virtual, with which farmers can promote their companies, activities and products,” explained Enrico Calentini. “At the same time, it’s an opportunity to revisit the digital divide issue in rural areas that continues to hinder the full development of innovative agriculture, especially for youth. The AGIA-CIA experience with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale had this precise objective: accelerating these processes and transforming futuristic ideas into concrete hi-tech solutions for tomorrow’s companies,” he added.

“Today, we have shown you the opportunities connected to the development of digital tools and the opportunities provided by a technology like the metaverse that can be transformative for local communities and their products,” added Mirta Michilli, Director General of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.

During the afternoon, participants exchanged experiences related to the use of digital tools in the agro-food industry, especially on the use of immersive environments to present their products. We have seen how the metaverse provides a great opportunity to learn about brands, wine cellars, and wine and food products.

Francesco Iacarella, Engineering  Project Manager, explained the new technological frontier of the metaverse and then turned the floor over to the Consorzio del Prosciutto di San Daniele with Giulia Mastrorosato, business manager at TechStar, connected from the metaverse, and Matteo Grillo, Marketing and Communications Manager at the Consorzio del Prosciutto di San Daniele. “We decided to enter the metaverse to allow everyone, even those who cannot physically come to us in San Daniele del Friuli, to visit our company, experience the seasoned meats and discover the importance of our prosciutto for our area,” explained Matteo Grillo. 

The audience had the opportunity to experience the metaverse with Meta Quest 2 visors before the final brainstorming session.

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