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“Hands On” Training

TECOM – TECnologia & COMunicazione

“Hands On” Training

“Hands On” Training

Tech summer days with Project TeCom dan Lazio Innova

Giulia, a student at the Rome Liceo Augusto, worked “hands on” for the first time on the design and development of an eco-sustainable material that can also be used to package clothes. At the summer camp, she has learned about the practical dimension of computer science and a different approach to the subjects that she studies at school.

Francesco, a student at the Istituto tecnico tecnologico Fermi in Frascati, was pleasantly surprised by the coaches. They felt free to pose any type of question and the coaches always had an answer ready. They were always available to listen and discuss things.

Alessandro, a student at the Liceo scientifico Kennedy in Rome, notwithstanding his scientific education and passion for robotics, found tools and useful recommendations on how to orient his future studies.

In the video: Giulia, Francesco, and Alessandro present their experiences at the Tech Summer Days organised by Project TeCom and developed with Lazio Innova. The summer camp was held last week at the Rome Innovation Gym.


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