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Hands-on Library

Hands-on Library

Hands-on Library

The Rome Fabrizio Giovenale Library has reserved new #bibliomaker areas that allow schools and citizens to learn about digital manufacturing tools such as laser cutters and 3D printers [see news: Ideas Factory].


On October 19, the maker space was inaugurated with a lab for children. The first school to experiment in the new environments was the Rome Istituto comprensivo Giovanni Palombini, managed by Headmistress Silvia Romagnoli, who has always been especially interested in didactic innovation.


Cecilia Stajano, who coordinates the School Innovation Sector for the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, recorded some of the participants’ impressions.


Teacher Anna accompanied her fifth-grade class.


Aurora and Martina, 10 years old, explain how digital manufacturing devices work.


Veronica, 9 years old and a habitué at the library, proudly shows her Bibliocard.



Veronica, 9 anni, orgogliosa della sua Bibliocard, è una frequentatrice abituale della biblioteca.



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