The World Robot Olympiad is an annual international robotics competition that addresses a different issue each year. This year’s mission s to develop a robot that helps us grow, share and consume food. The project must concentrate on at least one of the following aspects of Sustainable Development Goal 2:
· Promote sustainable agriculture
· Improve nutrition
· Achieve food safety
· Eradicate hunger
In this way, each robot will contribute to the Sustainable Development Objectives promoted by the United Nations worldwide.
The competition (see regulations), organised by ASD Dreampuzzle and promoted by AmbienteParco and FAST, will be held tomorrow, April 17, at 2 pm at the Rome Campus Bio-Medico University (Lecture Hall T7) during the 12th edition of RomeCup.
The judges who will evaluate the six registered teams are:
· Cristina Guerra, Director, AmbienteParco, Science Center in Brescia
· Anelia Grigorova, Tutor, Course on "Technology for Education, Devices and Diversity” at the University of Trento
The winning team will qualify for the world finals that will be held in Thailand in November. The team will receive free registration, room and board for one of the three participants.
Rome Campus Bio-Medico University
WRO OPEN – 1st Italian Edition
April 17, 2 pm, Lecture Hall T7