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Grandparents on-line

Grandparents on-line

Grandparents on-line

Project Grandparents On-line. Everyone’s Young at the Post Office” returns to Rome. The digital literacy project promoted by Poste Italiane to teach elders how to use modern communication technology filled up soon after the project was launched.


The courses, which are based on the intergenerational learning model, are held at two Roman schools: Benedetto Croce (Via Bardanzellu, Ponte Mammolo) and Primo Levi (Via Morandini, EUR).


The programme entails 15 two-hour lessons held by a teacher assisted by one student-tutor for each elder.


The fifty over-65 students come from a range of professional experiences: housewives, railroad workers, travel agents, flight attendants, public managers, TV staff, bank workers, military staff, electronic technicians, teachers and even a former Consul.


The average age of the students is 75. The youngest are three women aged 65: Anna (a former clerk), Giovanna (a former teacher) and Daniela (housewife). The eldest are two eighty-year olds Loreto (former railway worker) and Dennis (a former consul).


There are slightly more men (55%) than women, but they are all eager to understand new technology and keep up with the times. Their main objectives include learning to communicate with distant relatives, become self-sufficient and use PCs without the help of children or grandchildren, use home banking services and navigating on the Internet.


The pilot project was launched in July 2015 with courses in Rome and subsequently Naples, Mantua, Palermo, Asti and Ascoli Piceno. The second edition involves 22 cities throughout Italy.


The Poste Italiane initiative has been developed in collaboration with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, which is specialized in the promotion of the Digital Agenda.


The Press Note by Poste Italiane



From DOS to SPID

At the Rome Liceo Croce, Roma Rosy D'Elia recorded the story of Mr. Vincenzo, who used to work in the administrative offices of the Italian Railway. He is one of the few elders who have a certain familiarity with technology. Now, he is facing a new challenge: learning to use on-line services.



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