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Grandparents on the Internet in Milan

Grandparents on the Internet in Milan

Grandparents on the Internet in Milan

Parte oggi a Milano il Project Grandparents on the Internet, the digital literacy programme for senior citizens promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, kicks off in Milan at ITIS G. Feltrinelli to educate elders to use of the web and introduce them to modern communication technology. The project is coordinated by Prof. Elisabetta Corbellari.

The course, based on the intergenerational learning model, is based on 15 two-hour lessons, every Wednesday from 3 to 5 pm [see calendar]. The over-65s will be tutored by students (one on one) to provide them with the competences required to use new technology.


Last October, the school students acted as digital facilitators at the #CODE WEEK 2019 - EU-Milano, a free educational event for over-60s in Milan promoted by the city council for the European Codeweek  [see Generations On-line].


Grandparents on the Internet lessons address basic notions required for the use of personal computers, programmes and opportunities on the Internet with a focus on services that citizens can access on-line: information, health services, e-payments and e-commerce [see programme].


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