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Grandparents on the Internet

Grandparents on the Internet

Grandparents on the Internet


Grandparents on the Internet, the long-standing project developed and promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, has reached its 15th edition. During the course of the years, this seminal project inspired a range of different local and transnational spin-off projects, as well as the creation of the Knowledge Volunteers, a network of over 40,000 individuals of all ages and countries, committed to exchanging knowledge and competences.


Students aged 60 and over are taught to use PCs, the web and new technology through a “generational exchange” with school students and the help of coordinating teachers.


The course is free and the structure is modular: 20-30 hours with weekly appointments. At the end of the year, certificates are presented to participants, while students receive academic credits for the “Everyone on the Internet” Digital Literacy Week open to all citizens, who can peruse a wide range of didactic manuals, questionnaires, evaluation tests, handbooks, etc.


Today, the first lesson will be held at the Istituto comprensivo Enzo Drago in Messina, managed by Headmaster Giuseppa Scolaro. Didactic activities are coordinated by Prof. Giusy Spadaro.


Tomorrow, grandparents will return to school in Turin and Bologna. In Turin, the course will be held at the Liceo Artistico Renato Cottini, managed by Headmaster Antonio Balestra. Coordinating teachers Antonietta Sergi and Nadia Cervellera will help the over-60s to explore digital art and on-line cultural services.


In Bologna, the project is hosted by IIS A. Righi, managed by Headmaster Patrizia Calanchini Monti. Classroom activities will be coordinated by Professors Angela Poma and Elena Marvasi.

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