CSMON-Life (Citizen Science MONitoring) is the first Italian citizen science project on biodiversity, financed by the European Commission as part of the LIFE+ Programme.
The “Find the Alien” Contest called students and professors in first and second-degree primary schools in the Lazio Region to participate in project activities by sending information on alien species and communicating via various forms of media: newsletters, videos, reports, drawings, cartoons, multimedia, photographs, etc. The young students picked up their cell phones and tablets and set to work.
Parakeets, muskrats and gliders became the subjects of photos, videos and drawings by hundreds of children who became true scientists thanks to the CSMON-LIFE app.
The first prize for primary school was awarded to Class 5G at the Istituto comprensivo Poggiali-Spizzichino in Rome. Our compliments to the young scientists and their teacher, Cristiana Zambon, who describes the adventure in her blog: Righe, quadretti e byte.
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