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A Good Life with Factor J

Fattore J a Milano

A Good Life with Factor J

A Good Life with Factor J

Training session with the Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine experts.

We like to work with school communities that love emotions, care about passion, and have empathic relations with the new generations. Yesterday, Claudia Belella, who coordinates Project Factor J, found an e-mail that could recharge her energy indefinitely.

Hello Claudia,

Allow me to thank you for the experience that Factor J and Johnson has provided to my students ... Yesterday was really very important for our school and for me personally, too.

The students had the opportunity to come into contact with a sphere that is in some ways very distant from their current one: an extremely stimulating reality, with very high levels of professionalism.

My satisfaction is all the greater if I think that you are all a team of young people and as such you have provided my students with an example of the positive side of the working world, the one that requires sacrifice and commitment, but which also provides satisfaction and gratification.

I really hope that yesterday's meeting is the first of a long collaboration. As far as I'm concerned, from the beginning of next year, I will make all my resources available to you and Johnson to continue offering students a future in which to invest...

Thank you very much, good work, and good life!

See you soon!

The message was sent by Filippo Dezza, Director of the Istituto Superiore Maserati in Voghera, in the Province of Pavia, which last Friday participated in the training session on From Lab to Life: The Journey of Pharmaceutical Products with experts from Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine.

"I am proud of the journey made in these four years with more than 30 thousand Italian students thanks to Factor J. Together with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, we have spread knowledge of the value of scientific progress for everyone's health in schools, to make young men and women the protagonists of their own choices, from a One Health perspective!". This is the added value of Factor J according to Chiara Ludovica Ronchetti, Director of Communications and Public Affairs at Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine.

According to Mirta Michilli, Director General of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, the fourth edition of Factor J, which opened with the challenge of developing an educational ecosystem for health and wellbeing, also achieved another important objective: taking care of the future of youth. “Because the objective is "not one less." Never before have young people become such a "rare and precious" asset. With Factor J, we are trying to provide new generations with the opportunity of thinking about the future, of building their own life projects, whilst also be attentive to the needs of the communities in which they live. Because the future is now.”

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