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Generations On-line

Generations On-line

Generations On-line

“Educational programmes addressing elders that have proven efficient and can be considered successful certainly include Grandparents on the Internet, an Initiative by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and Get Your Facts Straight, a project coordinated by All Digital [...].


The National Context Analysis Report has been produced by Project Digitol, coordinated by the Consorzio Comunità Brianza. The objective of the project is to promote common EU values such as solidarity and diversity, developing innovative digital literacy education with young trainers and students aged 55 and over. The project aims to make the Internet a more accessible environment for everyone, allying generations to block fake news and hate speech.


The Fondazione Mondo Digitale is one of the stakeholders that has contributed to the development of the study. Besides Project Grandparents on the Internet, even the International Global Junior Challenge is mentioned as a best practice.


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