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Generations Far Apart Yet Close


Generations Far Apart Yet Close

Generations Far Apart Yet Close
“An important local project that unites two generations, grandparents and grandchildren, and helps usher elders into a territory unknown to them. It’s actually a real need that many of them have, learning how to use a PC. Just think about all the public administration services that they can enjoy on-line and simplify their lives,” points out  Michela Biolcati Rinaldi, President of the Social Services Department of Aprilia. “Many elders in Aprilia have children who have moved far away for work. A webcam helps them feel less lonely. And what better way to learn how to use new technologies than with the digital natives?”



“This is a socially significant initiative, a tangible moment of integration between elders and youth,” explains Domenico D’Alessio, Mayor of Aprilia. “We have invested massively in the elder and younger generations and that’s why we entrusted this initiative to experts. We want to be sure about the outcome of this project.”



The conference brought together speakers and the students from the four schools participating in the project (Liceo scientifico A. Meucci and branch school, Istituto comprensivo G. Garibaldi, Istituto comprensivo G. Pascoli) and all the members enrolled in the elderly centres twinned with the school.
Alessio from class III C at the Liceo scientifico Meucci in Aprilia: “I think this initiative is important for us, too. Now, we have to begin teaching what we have learnt. And, I thin, we’ll have to be really patient.”
Noemi from class IV E is similarly enthusiastic: “We are the young protagonists of this century. It is important to help the elders learn how to use this technology.”
Nicolò from the Istituto Comprensivo Garibaldi in Aprilia will teach elders how to take digital photos and save them in a digital format, while Eleonora, who is truly honored to be seated by the Mayor, will hold a lesson on Wikipedia.
And a surprise: Giulia, Eric and Aurora, three 10-year-old tutors from the Istituto Comprensivo G. Pascoli express their joy about working together with their grandparents. Aurora explains that her grandparents don’t know many people and this is a perfect opportunity for them to get to know this generation that is “so far and yet so close.”
Video interview with Alfonso Molina

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