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Generations at the Fab Lab

Generations at the Fab Lab

Generations at the Fab Lab

Sara, 16, a student at the Istituto Jean Piaget in Roma, and Massimo, a spritely 70-year-old former train driver, are participating in European Project Inclusive Senior Education through Virtual U3A (ISEV), which allows over-60s to learn about new technology thanks to the intergenerational learning methodology.


At the Phyrtual Innovation Gym Digital Manufacturing Lab, Sara and Massimo are helped by Federica Pellegrini and Matteo Viscogliosi to produce a spinning top, one of the most widespread toys worldwide.



The objective of Project Inclusive Senior Education through Virtual U3A (ISEV) is to make education accessible to elders by eliminating barriers and adapting the educational activities to their needs, allowing them to learn independently from where they live, their health conditions, their financial possibilities or their family or social conditions. This is how the Fondazione Mondo Digitale is involving over-6os in digital manufacturing.

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