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GEM On-line

GEM On-line

GEM On-line

Discrimination and bullying: Open event in 7 on-line training sessions and 3 on-line labs.

Following the course that involved teachers and students of 7 secondary schools, on April 29, Project "GEM - Gender Equality Matters" funded by the European “Rights, Equality and Citizenship” Programme extends its awareness-raising and educational activities to parents, professionals, reserachers, teachers, educators and youth in general,  through an open event carried out in 7 on-line sessions and 3 on-line labs to discuss about gender equality, discrimination and bullying together with educators, psychologists and practitioners.  

The main objective of European Project GEM is to increase the understanding of the effects of gender stereotypes on our behaviour and build the capacity - starting from the school community - to counter discrimination, bullying and gender based violence, promoting inclusive behaviours.     


April 29, 4:00 – 6:00 pm


DESCRIPTION: Gender based violence. Opening webinar on gender based discrimination and violence to understand the issue and investigate the Italian situation.
COACH: Stefania Carnevale: I am PhD student in "Mind, Gender and Languages" at the University of Naples Federico II, graduated in "Dynamic, Clinical and Community Psychology". Passionate about individual and collective dynamics in social, work and training relationships, I am committed to Participatory Action Research in Community Psychology, aimed at promoting well-being and equality in communities and combating stereotypes and prejudices in personal and collective relationships. I have worked as a tutor, educator and trainer and carried out teaching and laboratory activities.



April 30, 4:00 – 6:00 pm


DESCRIPTION: Gender identity, historical and terminological overlook. The webinar aims to clear the terminology used with gender identity issues and sexual identity, along with a historical review on the issue of human rights.

COACH: Stefania Carnevale



May 4, 4:00 – 5:30 pm


DESCRIPTION: Thinking outside of the box. The image of women in society and media.

A journey through the history of gender stereotype construction from queen of the hearth to devout wife; eternal seductress to provider of well-being and happiness. An analysis of advertising, women’s roles in movies and song lyrics by new artists to expose the stereotypes that underly gender disparity.

COACH: Nicoletta Vulpetti: "I have always worked with communications. After receiving a degree in Communications from Sapienza University and a Masters in Intercultural Communication and having taken various other courses on this field that is constantly evolving, I worked for one of the largest public relations agencies worldwide, where I was responsible for content management and the strategy, scheduling and creation of content to narrate the identity of companies, institutions and organisations. Words have always been my cultural medium: by passion, profession and intimate need.”



May 5, 4:00 – 5:30 pm


DESCRIPTION: Gender stereotypes and language. Even words can become violent.

Now that women occupy places that were until recently prohibited to them, we need a new language to describe this new reality.

The webinar, through a reflection on the use of controversial words, aims to shed light on the importance of changing the words to consolidate the necessary social change. Besides providing an arena for discrimination, words can also transmit hate. Recently, with the advent of social media and other communication tools with no geographical or time limits, the debate on hate speech has become increasingly relevant. What do we exactly mean by hate speech? What tools can be used to limit this phenomenon and promote a positive on-line debate, returning a positive valence to words that will provide for positive connections. The course aims to focus on this issue in terms of regulations and content, providing eudcational and cultural answers to halt the advance of hate speech.

COACH: Nicoletta Vulpetti



May 7, 11.30 am - 1.00 pm


DESCRIPTION: Bullying Characteristics – scenarios, behaviours and characters (bully, followers, victim) and scale of pain

COACH: Marta Tonelli, degree in Developmental and Educational Psychology from the University of Genoa. I worked for a year in a school in Australia as a language assistant. I am passionate about adolescence and dynamics within the school and educational contexts, I live in Rome where I am a specialist in adolescent psychoanalytic psychotherapy. I am a member of the Cooperative Rifornimento in Volo and I coordinate several school based projects. I am counsellor for adolescents and families and I am editor of the v Scientific Journal - Adolescence and Psychoanalysis.  



May 11, 2:00 – 3:30 pm


DESCRIPTION: Women, Far from Men, Far from Europe. The course will analyse the current situation based on the elements that promote/hinder the presence of men and women on the job place and present educational proposals to contribute to cultural change on roles and gender division.

COACH: Claudia Piccini was born in Rome on May 30, 1968, a historical date marking the great cultural upheaval, also in the relations among sexes. Growing up in this contradictory state between old models and new outlooks, she continues to wonder whether individuals are free to truly express themselves in personal and professional contexts, notwithstanding the conditioning. Sports allowed her to undertake a professional career that brought her into contact with different cultures and experiment with a large degree of freedom. She received a degree in Cultural Anthropology and has been working in the non-profit sector for over twenty years in equal opportunities, labour policy, education and migration. She is the President of a non-governmental association and a member of many other associations promoting the wellbeing of individuals and women, especially.



May 14, 2:00 – 3:30 pm


DESCRIPTION: The webinar addresses relationships (family, school, community) that can provide a protection to individuals, in particular to the most vulnerable categories, including adolescents, who are exposed to peculiar risk forms in addressing the virtual world. Risks include Internet dependence phenomena, which include different degrees of pathological use and abuse behaviour, which is very frequent amongst younger users. This dependence can be caused by different factors and include gender violence, observed both in social and scholastic contexts. In fact, these reproduce other characteristics of contemporary society, including the refusal to think about others, the affirmation of the strongest, the refusal to appear different or have issues, gender inequality and a legitimation of violence as a mechanism to acquire power in group contexts.

COACH: Rita Fiorentino: Clinical Psychologist, Psychodynamic Pyscho-therapist and Psycho-analytical Orientation, Family Mediator, Operational Coordination Manager at PsyPlus Onlus. As a psychologist and project coordinator, I work on intercultural issues, school psychology and emergency psychology.



May 15, 2:00 – 3:30 pm


DESCRIPTION: Effects generated by stereotypes. Analysis of short and long-term psychological of gender violence and how this is reflected on victims at the social level. Analysis of the Italian and transcultural gender violence situation. Learning about the psychological health risks generated by stereotypes created through violence (including gender violence) and their impact on society. This will allow us to understand and prevent these situations before they have fully emerged. Comparing cultures will allow us to understand new realities and recognise risk even in other contexts.

COACH: Patrizia Perrone: Legal psychologist and system-relationship psychotherapist. Graduated in Clinical Psychology in 2005 from Sapienza University of Rome. In 2013, she specialised in system-relationship psychotherapy. In 2012, she attended a master course in legal psychology. She is an expert in family and parent mediation and an emergency psychologist with many years of experience. She has been working at help desks in schools for students, teachers, parents and school personnel and hold seminars on bullying and cyberbullying.



May 18 and 19, 11.30 am - 1.00 pm


DESCRIPTION: Creative readings to educate children to diversity and welcome.

The first webinar will address creativity in language: word games, creative writing, dialogues, extending stories … with the objective of reflecting on the value and power of words to unite and divide.

The second webinar will propose both analogical (illustrations, creation of characters with simple materials, plays, light games, Tinkering…) and digital activities with devices and new technology (free software and apps, Stop Motion technique, video narration, e-books, photography and digital collages).

COACH: Cristiana Zambon: primary school teacher with a degree in Education, Educational Processes expert. She conducts educational courses and creative labs for children and teachers of all ages. She loves all forms of artistic expression and has received numerous awards for the didactic and creative use of new technology.





May 21, 4:00 – 6:00 pm


DESCRIPTION: Programming gender equality with Scratch. A lab dedicated to all teachers who wish to create animated stories with the Scratch coding platform and raise the awareness of students on gender violence and discrimination to break through stereotypes and preconceptions.

COACH: Lara Forgione: born in Battipaglia, she lived in the Province of Salerno until she moved to Rome to attend university. After graduating, she began a collaboration with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale in Rome, which still continues, on educating students and teachres on three-dimensional graphics and coding for Gaming, VR and AR. "I collaborate as a researcher with various universities, particularly Sapienza University of Rome and the European Institute of Design in Cagliari."


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